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The Rock, NSW

Quiet town with a 1920s ambience now a popular commuter settlement for Wagga Wagga.

It is claimed that if you stand on the top of The Rock, which rises 364 m above the surrounding plains of the Riverina, you will - at least in theory - have an uninterrupted view all the way to the coast of Western Australia. This low outcrop is a reminder of the flatness of Australia and the ancient, eroded nature of the continent. The small and pleasant township, located in a wool and wheat district, is named after the dominant local geological feature, a craggy outcrop which can be seen from miles around. Today it has become a quiet, commuter town for Wagga which lies to the north. Visitors can walk to the top of the rock and explore the shorter Yerong Walking Trail.


The Rock is located 225 m above sea-level and 489 km south-west of Sydney via the Hume, Sturt and Olympic Highways.


Origin of Name

Yes. It is the bleeding obvious. The Rock is named after, well, The Rock. Except that there is an interesting variation. It was originally known as Hanging Rock because there was once a spectacular "hanging" protrusion on the eastern side of the hill. When the protrusion collapsed in 1874 the ever-pragmatic locals renamed the town "The Rock". The local Wiradjuri had call The Rock - Kengal.


Things to See and Do

The Rock Town Hall & Museum
Located in the old Town Hall at 140 Urana Street, this is a relatively new venture which means that each visit will see new exhibits. It is open on the first Saturday of the month and is currently building up its collection of memorabilia about the town and the district. For "up to the minute" information check out https://www.facebook.com/TheRockHallMuseum.

Hanging Rock Hill and the Yerong Nature Trail
It is possible to climb to the top of "The Rock" along the 6 km (return) track known as the Yerrong Nature Trail. It takes around 3 hours for the return walk. The track passes through the 340 ha nature reserve which covers most of the northern end of The Rock. It is gentle at first but becomes more difficult as it zig-zags to the saddleback. There is a useful brochure which explains: "The lower slopes are dominated by a mixture of Grey Box, Blakley's Red Gum and White Box with occasional White Cypress Pine. As the slope becomes steeper and the soils shallower, the Red Gum and Grey Box become small and spindly before disappearing altogether and patches of Black Cypress and Red Stringybark become common. The trees on the higher slopes are mainly White Box and Currawang. At the base of the steep slopes there is a heath understorey which includes the Seven Dwarfs Grevillea, Native Cranberry, Urn Heath, Grass Trees and Kangaroo Thorn. The bare rock of the ridge is covered in lichens and moss. The common trees are Currawang, Dwyer's Mallee Gum and Drooping Sheoak. At the base of the cliffs, in shady moist sites, clumps of Woolly Ragwort occur, a threatened species restricted to hills in the local area. On a clear day it is possible to see Mt Kosciuszko on the horizon to the south-east. To the west is Galore Hill and beyond that the rolling plains of western New South Wales. The craggy rock faces have proved to be excellent nesting sites for wedge-tailed eagles and peregrine falcons." There are over 100 species in the reserve including Brown Treecreepers, Turquoise Parrots, Glossy Black Cockatoos, White-brown browed Babblers, Thronbills, Honeyeaters and Eastern Yellow and Red-Capped Robins. As well there are grey kangaroos, swamp wallabies, echidnae, possums and marsupial mice. It is believed that initiation ceremonies were held at The Rock in the past as the creek just to the south is known as Yerrong, a Wiradjuri word meaning "place of initiation". The Rock became a nature reserve in 1962 having been crown land for 100 years. The Wiradjuri people called 'The Rock' - 'kengal'. It is located 4.2 km from the Post Office on the road to Lockhart. National Parks and Wildlife Service have information about the Nature Reserve at http://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/visit-a-park/parks/The-Rock-Nature-Reserve-Kengal-Aboriginal-Place.



* Prior to the arrival of Europeans the district was occupied by the Wiradjuri Aboriginal people who had lived in the area for at least 20,000 years.

* The first European into the area was the explorer Charles Sturt in 1829. He was the first European to observe a large overhanging rock on the summit of The Rock.

* One of the first settlers was James Wall who, by 1847, held the licence for property in the immediate district.

* Known as Hanging Rock the rock ceased to 'hang' when a major rock fall occurred in 1874.

* The railway reached the settlement in 1880 and railway workers established a campsite and associated buildings.

* The town's first hotel was built in 1881.

* In 1882 the township was gazetted (as Hanging Rock) and a school and church were built.

* The Rock post office opened in 1890.

* The Rock Stores, the first substantial brick building, was completed in 1895. It now houses Heckenberg Antiques.

* A branch line to Lockhart was opened in 1901. The town became a junction from the main Sydney-Melbourne line.

* In the 1920s an avenue of Silky Oaks (now replaced by kurrajong trees) was established in the main street. It honoured local soldiers who had fought in World War I.

* The Olympic Way bypassed The Rock in 1960 adversely affecting the town's commercial sector.

* With the growth of Wagga, only 31 km to the north, the town has become a commuter destination.


Visitor Information

There is no dedicated Visitor Information Centre in town. Try Wagga Wagga Visitor Information Centre, 183 Tarcutta Street, tel: 1300 100 122


Useful Websites

There is no local website. However the National Parks and Wildlife Service have information about the Nature Reserve at http://www.nationalparks.nsw.gov.au/visit-a-park/parks/The-Rock-Nature-Reserve-Kengal-Aboriginal-Place.

Got something to add?

Have we missed something or got a top tip for this town? Have your say below.

18 suggestions
  • Is there accommodation available for travellers? If so can you provide contact details?

    I am looking to stay Sunday night 19th Feb 2017. Dinner and 2 single bed required.

    Alan Baskerville
  • As a Victorian that has been coming up to The Rock on a regular basis, it has been my saving grace, my father lives at The Rock, has been for 30 years. That has been how long we have been going up The Rock. Dad is 83 and I’m 60. I have met some lovely people young, going up and down. I’ve met the Aboriginal tour guide that takes a bus out there and explains their culture. I found that very interesting.and you know in all my years of going up there I have never come across a snake!!! I have come across kangaroos, down the bottom, nearly got run over by them, then further up it was wallabies and then there were goats up the top. Absolutely beautiful but watch out for the spider webs!!!!!

    jan artz
  • Hi, I have a June 25 1958 Weekly Times newspaper that features 2 full pages of people from The Rock eg football team, volunteer fire brigade, CWA members, RSL committee members, Mrs Emily Martin who turned 90 in the September, golf club members, Red Cross ladies and heaps more. The paper is a bit fragile now but I was wondering if there is any organisation/museum etc in The Rock that would like it for historical purposes. Thought it might be interesting for someone. It has 99 pages so lots of other stories too. I’m in Albury and happy to bring it up if someone lets me know where to deliver it. Thanks and look forward to hearing from someone.

    Suzanne Skate
    • Hello My name is Keith Takkenberg. I was born at The Rock in March 1958 and my father was the minister for the Presbyterian church in 1958 and my mother the Sunday School teacher. I was wondering if you are able to email me anything from that paper that was relevent to them. It would be much appreciated.
      yours Sincerely
      Keith Takkenberg

      Keitj Takkenberg
    • Hi The best museum is at Lockhart and they have the history of The Rock. It will be preserved and treasured.

    • The Rock has a museum in the main street it is open on Saturdays from 10am to 1pm.
      We would love to see or have this paper..
      Nancy Smith is our Secretary.

      Thank You
      John Griffin Committee member. .

      John Griffin
  • Was there an internment camp close to the Rock during WWII? My dad was interned and worked at a farm run by the Henderson family. I would like some information and to visit this area.

  • We are looking for an old friend, Laurel Merritt, who in about 1990 moved to The Rock. She became an Accountant. We have not heard from her for some time and seem unable to locate her. The 45th anniversary of the first FM radio station originally 2MBS-FM and now known as Fine Music 102.5 is being celebrated with a dinner in early February.. If we can locate her it would be great if she could attend our celebratory dinner. She had been on air as a voluntary announcer and recording “engineer” and some of her recordings are, for the anniversary, being presented on air.

    Does anyone know how she is, whether she is still practicing as an accountant .and where we may find her?

    Charles and Elizabeth Barton
  • I was just wondering if the rock reserve was owned by anyone, is it a public place where you can ride motorbikes, take a walk, run and stuff like that

  • Nice town enjoyed our stay at the Recreation Area

    Barb n Bob Hands
  • My family all came from the Rock Bon Accord The Mayes family
    I was Kay Mayes before I married and am now Mrs kay Leach and a very old lady but wanting to know if any history on these families survive The Whiles family as my GrandMother was a Whiles before she married into the Mayes family I now live in Canberra last 7yrs but am from Avalon Beach in Sydney originally My Phone is 0417886889
    I believe my Grandfather worked on the railways my Uncle Jack Mayes was killed in Changi in 1942 my Aunt was Mavis Gillman from Wagga Wagga. Thank You

    Kay Leach
  • Hi
    Legal Aid lawyer coming to work in Wagga.
    Love to live in The Rock.
    Anybody know how to find a rental?

  • Does any senior reader remember Robert Arthur (Bob) Martin, whose family lived at The Rock until the 1950s? His sons were Bob junior, Keith, Ron, Arthur, Paul, Kerry, Leslie and Colin. while his daughters were Marie, Joyce, Kathleen, Ellen, Amy, Ann, Eillen and Dorothy (from two marriages). Bob senior was a represtative of Reo Motors. The family lived in King St, The Rock for decades.

  • I’ts a long time since I lived in The Rock back in the 50’s before the road went past the town. I have been through a couple of times since and boy has it changed

    Geoff Bramley
  • I’m a single woman of 70s and I’d like to stay a night around end of Feb 2024.. Is there any safe motel or B&B there? I’d like to try a place NOT in a big towns.

  • 10 kms past The Rock Hill is a magnificent Roadside Rest Stop garden, all established and maintained for over 25 years by ex locals from the village of Tootool. Also nearby is a Telstra hut covered with very interesting art murals painted by a Wagga Wagga artist Damien Mitchell.

    Judith Lewis